Last minute tips for Unfamiliar Texts

In this post I will remind you about how to approach a piece of unfamiliar text and how to avoid common errors.

  • Take note of the the title – you will often find clues to the meaning of the passage there. It might even help you to work out the mood or angle of the piece.
  • Follow instructions – if you are told to write an answer in your own words that is exactly what you should do!
  • Support your answers with evidence from the text. Make sure to add relevant quotes – don’t copy out half the passage.
  • Identify and quote, identify and quote, identify and quote … I hope I am getting my point across! If they ask for that make sure you do BOTH!
  • Explain your answer, be specific. Answers like “it makes it sound good” as a discussion of why a sound device was used will not cut it!
  • Use examples! No really … USE EXAMPLES!
  • Point of view means whether it is first, second or third person narration.
  • Syntax is about sentence structure. For a more detailed discussion go here.
  • Tense is about verbs, it is not about your mood. Check it out here.
  • Know your terms and read questions carefully. Know what you are being asked.
  • The most important thing to do is to answer the question, in detail with supporting evidence.

Essay Questions for Cuckoo’s Nest

If you studied ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ try these questions:

  • Discuss the author’s use of point(s) of view in a novel you have studied.
  • ‘The role of the novelist is to ask questions and explore issues about our society.’ Discuss this statement with detailed reference to a novel you have studied.
  • Discuss the contribution made by ONE major character to the ideas expressed in a novel you have studied.

Analysing an Unfamiliar Text

In order to analyse, interpret and evaluate a text you need to be familiar with the language features and conventions of a range of contrasting texts from a range of genres. You need to be familiar with the structure and function of words, their ordering in sentences; word and sentence choices and the effect of these choices on ideas, meaning and style.

When faced with an unfamiliar text, you need to understand the language, meanings and ideas and the literary qualities and effects of the text, and be able to respond to all of these, considering purpose and audience.

As you read the texts in the exam, underline words and phrases which seem to be significant in terms of language, ideas and meanings, or style (literary qualities and effects) or purpose and audience. Annotate the text, jotting ideas over the extract.

Atonement in The Kite Runner

Major characters in novels usually undergo a change of some sort. In a novel you have studied, how is the change in a major character linked to a key theme or themes?

Atonement would be a great theme to discuss in the essay topic above. The Kite Runner suggests that individuals can atone for the the bad things they have done in their past. Hosseini suggests that atonement is possible if the person who seeks redemption first admits their guilt. Hosseini explores the ideas of guilt and atonement through Amir and to a lesser extent through Baba. Rahim Khan explains the positive value of the guilt that has haunted Amir for years by showing him that it can lead to true redemption. In the novel  by exploring the ideas of guilt and atonement through Amir, Hosseini is able to show the debilitating effects on his life. Amir is so haunted by his past that he fears that he and Soraya can’t have a child because he is being punished for his childhood sins. Even though Amir believes this he finds it hard to confess his sins to Rahim Khan and his secret can be compared to Soraya’s openness. Soraya has been able to move on because she has accepted her past and confessed her secrets. When discussing atonement show how Hosseini develops this idea through the development of Amir’s character. We see Amir grow in maturity, partly due to his separation from Baba as he now can accept the opportunity to atone. Rahim Khan as Amir’s mentor and friend helps to support the ideas about redemption and why it is still possible. Through Rahim Khan we see that Amir must complete his journey to achieve redemption. When Amir confronts Assef he also confronts his past cowardice and at last feels healed. By rescuing Sohrab he is not only reliving a past wrong doing he is also correcting it.

Top 10 Irritating Phrases


A top 10 of irritating expressions has been compiled by researchers at Oxford University.

Heading the list was the expression ‘at the end of the day’, which was followed in second place by the phrase ‘fairly unique’.

The tautological statement “I personally” made third place – an expression that BBC Radio 4 presenter John Humphreys has described as “the linguistic equivalent of having chips with rice.”

Also making the top 10 is the grammatically incorrect “shouldn’t of”, instead of “shouldn’t have”. Other phrases to irritate people are “literally” and “ironically”, when they are used out of context.

1 – At the end of the day

2 – Fairly unique

3 – I personally

4 – At this moment in time

5 – With all due respect

6 – Absolutely

7 – It’s a nightmare

8 – Shouldn’t of

9 – 24/7

10 – It’s not rocket science

Another question for American Beauty


Here is another good essay question for American Beauty.

How does a feature film you have studied use narrative and other film techniques to examine the values of society?

Firstly, discuss the ‘values of society’ that are represented in American Beauty. Then, how is society, its structures and what it holds to be important conveyed in the film?

This might be through film techniques such as:

•      the situations characters in the film are faced with, and how they act and react.

•      the characters themselves (e.g. what they are like, how they are conveyed and developed, how they are contrasted). Lots of scope there!

•      the visual images, motifs and symbols used.

•      the dialogue

•      how characters relate to each other. Again plenty to discuss.

•      the settings used and the costumes worn.