Why I Hate School But Love Education||Spoken Word

This is the second Suli Breaks poem Sam sent me.

The poem discusses what is the value of mainstream schooling? Why is it that some of the most high profile and successful figures within the Western world openly admit to never having completed any form of higher learning?

In the poem Suli pays homage to Jefferson Bethke’s “Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus”, a piece that received 22 million views in the space of a week, and  addresses a number of these issues in his offering “Why I Hate School, but Love Education”.

With scores of school leavers wanting to further their education with no guarantee of their dream job at the end of it, Suli believes we should ask ourselves whether qualifications still hold the same value now as they did in previous years?

Does success in the school system correlate to success in life? Or is the school system simply geared towards fact retention and regurgitation?

What is true education?


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