The Educated White Slave


This an extract from a thought-provoking article by Billy the Dancing Moose on Salient.

“Keep you doped with religion, sex and tv/and you think you’re so clever and classless and free…” – John Lennon, Working Class Hero

Debt is the modern form of slavery. When you are in debt, someone else owns you – your time, effort and labour – and calls upon you to make whatever sacrifices necessary until the debt is serviced on terms they dictate. (Upon a moment’s reflection language reveals much which is hidden – we “service” debts. Servants give service to their masters. Mortgages, literally, are a contract signed “on death terms.”)

How the system works to enslave the Educated White Slave

“Well you get what you pay for/And freedom’s real high priced” – Axl Rose

So they tell you that to escape a future of menial labouring tedium, you need an education. And to get an education, you need to go to university. And unless your family is rich and your parents generous, that means getting a loan, often committing to $30,000+ of debt before you have the faintest idea what debt means.

However, that qualification you are getting into debt for is itself merely a qualification to become a cog in someone else’s machine. As Bill Gates noted frankly when speaking to a graduating class at an Ivy League university, they were never going to be as rich as him. They had wasted years of their lives training to become his employees. He had spent those years of his life starting his own company out of his garage.

Anyway. Once you have the loan, and whether or not you are lucky enough to graduate, you will need to get cracking on paying off that loan.

That right there is where your loss of freedom becomes apparent.

They’ve got you.

Instead of leaving university, fresh faced, full of bright ideas about how to do awesome things and effect positive change in the world, and eager to get out and make a difference (as we might hope would occur when our brightest hopes for the future leave institutes of higher learning), you need to get a job to pay off the loan.

Read more here.