2007 Scholarship Exam Specifications

Candidates will answer three questions, writing at least 800 words for each.

Format of the assessment : There will be three sections:

Section A : Close Reading of Unfamiliar Texts will require a technical comparison of two written texts, one prose and one poetry, with an emphasis on aspects of content and crafting. There will be a single question for this section.

Section B : Response to Literature and Language will require a response to literature and/or language studied. Candidates will be required to select one question from a number of options.

Section C : Exploring Issues in Literature and Language will require an exploration of issues in literature and/or language studied. Candidates will be required to select one question from a number of options.
Candidates should demonstrate wide knowledge and wide reading, and an appreciation of aspects of intertextuality.

Marking: Each essay will be marked out of 8 to give a total of 24 marks.

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